Li Chen

Li Chen

Alfred and Helen Lamson/BORSF Endowed Associate Professor
School of Computing and Informatics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
James R. Oliver, Room 233
301 E. Lewis St, Lafayette, LA 70504
Email Me   Google Scholar

Prospective students (PhD and/or undergrad):

If you are looking for assistantships, please highlight your strengths, describe why you want to join us, and how you could and/or plan to contribute to our research. Be brief and sincere. (The Cajun vibe)

 About Me

I received my Ph.D. and M.A.Sc. degrees from University of Toronto in 2018 and 2015, respectively, and my Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2012. I visited the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from September 2013 to May 2014.

My research interests include deep learning systems, federated learning, cloud computing, networking, resource optimization and fairness.

 Research Lab

I am directing the research lab, named CELESTIAL: Communication Efficient LEarning Systems – The Implementation and Algorithms Lab. As the name suggests, we are interested in exploring important problems in distributed systems and networking to better facilitate machine learning and drive artificial intelligence, from both the theoretical and practical perspectives.

Our lab members (Gallery):

PhD: Simin Javaherian, Md Sirajul Islam, Sanjeev Panta, Thanawat Chanikaphon, N I Md Ashafuddula

Alumni: Jananie Jarachanthan (Ph.D., Spring 2019 - Spring 2022), now with University of Jaffna (tenure-track), Abeda Sultana (Ph.D., Spring 2024), Md Mainul Haque (M.S.), Pinky Sitikhu (M.S.), Clinton Akalazu, Nandakumarreddy Peddagorla, Sai Eshwar Reddy Gangireddy, Jatin Patel

Visiting Scholar: Dr. Jiao Li from Xi’an Shiyou University (September 2019 to August 2020)

Research projects in our lab are sponsored by NSF, Louisiana BoRSF, IUCRC CVDI IAB (CGI, CSL Behring), and XRMedix. Many thanks to our sponsors! And it’s always an enjoyable experience working with our group members from diverse backgrounds.


Time Event   (Full Publication List)
2024.12 Our works, Espresso and SEAFL, get accepted to IEEE INFOCOM and IPDPS 2025, respectively. Congratulations to Sirajul, Sanjeev, and other collaborators!
2024.09 Sirajul is awarded the SGA Scholarship. Congratulations!
2024.08 Li is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Heartfelt thanks to the wonderful mentors, colleagues, students, and friends along this journey!
2024.06 Our paper gets accepted to ICPP 2024. Congratulations to Sirajul, Simin, and other collaborators!
2024.05 Li is honored to have been awarded the Alfred and Helen Lamson/BORSF Endowed Professorship in Computer Science (Fall 2024 - Spring 2027).
2024.05 Congratulations to Abeda on successfully defending her dissertation and earning her Ph.D. degree!
2024.04 Our paper gets accepted to IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2024. Congratulations!
2024.04 Li got a research funding award from Industrial Ties Research Subprogram of Louisiana BORSF for “Federated Deep Learners for Medical Image Analysis and Treatment Guidance” (2024-2027), in collaboration with Co-PI Dr. Songyang Zhang and our industrial partner XRMedix. Thanks to BoR!
2024.02 Our work on acoustic-based indoor motion tracking gets accepted to ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. Congratulations!
2024.01 Our two works, Hadar and FedClust, get accepted to IEEE IPDPS 2024. Congratulations to Abeda, Sirajul, and other collaborators!
2024.01 Our paper, FedFair^3, gets accepted to IEEE ICC 2024. Congratulations to Simin, Sanjeev, and other collaborators!
2023.12 Our group attended NeurIPS 2023 at New Orleans, along with other UL students. What a wonderful experience!
2023.12 Our paper, Periscoping, gets accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2024. Congratulations!
2023.11 Li received an NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track-4 funding award for her project on “HEAL: Heterogeneity-aware Efficient and Adaptive Learning at Clusters and Edges” (2024-2026). This research fellowship program will support our collaborative visits at UIUC. Thanks to NSF!
2023.10 Our group gives demos on Science Day, an event participated by approximately 1000 students from 84 high schools, from 53 cities across the state.
2023.08 Our paper, MMST-ViT, gets accepted to ICCV 2023. Congratulations!
2023.07 Our paper, EchoSensor, gets accepted to ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. Congratulations!
2023.06 Li served as Session Chair in IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2023 (June 19-21).
2023.06 Our paper gets accepted to ECML PKDD 2023. Congratulations!
2023.05 Li served as Session Chair in IEEE INFOCOM 2023 (May 17-20).
2023.03 Sirajul won the 2nd place in the STEM Paper Competition in our university. Congratulations!
2023.03 Our two works, ACTS and spotDNN, get accepted to IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2023. Congratulations!
2023.02 Li will serve as the Track Chair for the 23rd International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2023).
2022.12 Our paper, iGniter, gets accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Congratulations!
2022.12 Li serves on the Organizing Committee for the Gulf Coast AI Social Event at NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans.
2022.11 Li will serve on the 2023 NSF GRFP Panel.
2022.11 Our group gives demos on Science Day, an event participated by hundreds of students from high schools across Acadiana.
2022.09 Our group has two new members: Sanjeev Panta, Md Sirajul Islam. Welcome! Pinky Sitikhu, a master student participated in our research project in Spring 2022, receives the Grace Hopper Celebration Scholarship (GHC 2022). Congratulations to Pinky!
2022.06 Our paper, Eiffel, gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Congratulations to Abeda and Mainul!
2022.04 Our paper, Astrea, gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Congratulations to Jananie!
2022.04 Congratulations to Jananie on successfully defending her Ph.D. dissertation! Jananie will join University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, as a Senior Lecturer (tenure-track).
2022.04 Li will serve on the TPC for INFOCOM 2023.
2022.03 Li will serve on the Faculty Panel as a junior faculty panelist at the iREDEFINE Workshop, ECEDHA Annual Conference, 2022.
2022.02 Li will serve on the TPC for IWQoS 2022.
2022.02 Li will serve as the Track Chair for ICCSPA 2022. Look forward to receiving your original contributions and meeting you this year in Cairo, Egypt.
2021.12 Li is invited to serve as the Guest Editor for Security and Communication Networks, Special Issue on Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Emerging Computing Systems.
2021.11 Li is invited to serve on the 2022 NSF GRFP Panel.
2021.09 Our paper gets accepted to ACM CCS 2021.
2021.08 Our paper gets accepted to Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp), 2021.
2021.06 Our paper gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
2021.06 Our paper gets accepted to ECML PKDD 2021.
2021.06 Three papers get accepted to the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), to be held at the Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, August 2021.
2021.05 Li will serve on the TPC of INFOCOM 2022 and MSN 2021.
2021.05 Our project “Decentralized and Distributed Deep Learning for Industrial IoT Devices” gets funded by Industry/University Cooperative Research CVDI. Thanks to CVDI IAB!
2021.04 Li got a research funding award from Proof-of-Concept/Prototyping (PoC/P) Initiative of Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund (BORSF) for “Fast and Efficient Scheduler for Deep Learning in GPU Cluster” (2021-2022). Thanks to BoR!
2021.01 Our paper gets accepted to Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2021.
2021.01 Our paper gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021.
2020.12 Our two papers get accepted to IPDPS 2021.
2020.12 Our paper gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
2020.08 Our project has received 5 million funding award from NSF. Thanks to NSF!
2020.06 One paper gets accepted to ESORICS 2020.
2020.05 Li will serve on the TPC of INFOCOM 2021.
2020.05 Two papers get accepted to ICPP 2020.
2019.05 Two papers get accepted to ICPP 2019.
2019.05 One paper gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019.
2019.05 Li will serve on the TPC of INFOCOM 2020.
2019.04 Li got a research funding award from Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS) of Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund (BORSF) for “Smart Optimization Framework to Accelerate Distributed Deep Learning” (2019-2022). Thanks to BoR!
2018.09 Our paper accepted to NIPS 2018.
2018.05 Our paper accepted to ICML 2018.
2018.04 Our paper accepted to USENIX ATC 2018.
2018.01 Our paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).
2018.01 Our paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
2017.12 Our paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2018.
2016.12 Our paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2017.


  • CSCE 513 Principles of Computer Communication and Networks (Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020)
  • CSCE 533 & CMPS 432 Distributed Computing Systems / Parallel and Distributed Computing (Spring 2024, Fall 2023)
  • CSCE 555 Principles of Operating Systems Theory (Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019)
  • INFX 540 Informatics Network Infrastructure (crosslisted with CSCE 513) (Fall 2021)
  • CSCE 598 QoS in Networking and Distributed Systems (Fall 2019)
  • CMPS 340 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Fall 2018)